Story:Long Lost And Happily Ever After 1.1



“You’re back?” Marianne heard a voice behind her.

She turned around to see her best friend walking by.

“Evelyn,” The brunette smiled. “How are you? Aren’t you cold?” She remarked when she touched the blonde’s icy arm.


“A bit, I decided to walk home from work and I managed to lose my purse and cardigan on the way. I’ve been retracing my steps the whole afternoon but I haven’t found it yet.”

“Oh, no.” Marianne felt sorry for her friend. “I wish I had my jacket with me.”

“That’s okay. I am about to give up anyways. I need to pee.” Marianne laughed.


“How is Evie?” Marianne asked as they walked to her car to go home.

“She’s fine, loud as always.” Evelyn laughed. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re back?”

“I only just arrived, I’ve been wondering where I should stay.”

“Really?” Evelyn rolled her eyes. “You are seriously telling me I was not your first thought?”

“Evelyn, I haven’t been quite honest with you.” Marianne sighed. “I didn’t go back home.”

“Where did you go?”

“I stayed in the city with a friend.” Marianne was apparently nervous. “I met Joshua.”

They stopped and before Evelyn could respond she felt herself overcome with nausea. She waved at Marianne and ducked in behind a bush.

Edit:Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year


Hello to my newfound following!

I just wanted to do a quick post for you all to get acquainted with me & for me to get acquainted with you.

My name is Melissa and I am the creator of mellycreates. I am 22 and I live in New Zealand, love watersports, snowboarding & playing Sims. I’ve been hooked on the franchise ever since I got my first (second hand) Sims 1 or The Sims disk at a pawn shop when I was about nine and I’ve never stopped playing. 

I work full-time and study on top of that so sorry if I go M.I.A every once in a couple of months, it just means I am probably studying & I’ll be back soon… I’ll try and manage my schedule to get you new content at least once a week though!

I am currently only doing traits, but I am playing around with the workshop to see if I can get some cool content out of it. I’ve made some rad wallpapers that I am testing in my game and hopefully I can progress to make you some amazing stuff!

Well let me know if there’s anything specific you want, if you see something I’ve used on my Sims and you want to know where to get it, something’s gone haywire with a trait after updates or if you’re just here to say hi, please use the contact form & I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

Ps – Thank you for your support in downloading my creations, I really do appreciate being able to give back to the community! 

Oh, and those Ad Fly links? I’ll use that purely to host giveaways when I can, so let your friends and family know!

