Edit:Sorry! I have been away for a while…


Hey Simmers!!!

I am so sorry for letting you all down by not posting much the last week.

Semester starts again on Monday and I have been living out my free time as if I was eighteen. Haha!

Herewith I pledge to bring you even more great content within the next week – heaps of it! There may be a couple of surprises, but trust me, it’ll be worth it.

Thank you to all my new followers, it’s great to have you guys here and I hope to interact with you heaps more!

Now, I do have a wee little surprise for you.


So until I figure out how to load it as a widget, click here to be redirected there.

Feel free to follow me there, just tell me you came from the webpage and I can follow you back! 🙂 I am posting some exclusive content over there, so go have a look.

Have a great end of the week guys!

PS – I am now off to play to bring you another bit of story tomorrow. It’s been a while since I have done that!



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