

Hi Simmers!


What do you think of the new site? I am absolutely in love with how it came out! I feel so much better about the site and contents now and I can’t wait to hear your comments on it – so tell me, what do you think?

With the new site, there is a new trait as well – Breezy Sims are lively and full of energy! They are often the happiest Sims in the room and people always comment on how full of spirit they are. Breezy Sims are the best people to accompany you to a teambuilding exercise or rally as they always have a smile on their face.


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Trait:Duo Pack! Singer and One-Man Band




*Remember to follow the blog for a chance to win! Read more HERE

One-Man Band: Download Here [x]

Singer: Download Here [x]

Hi Simmers! So today, I have not one new trait, but two!!

How is that for spoils??

I thought of creating a band, but I don’t really know how to seperate 5 different traits without making them overly similar – do you have some ideas? Let me know in the comments below and I might just give something random away. Also remember to follow the blog to be in to win a copy of Vintage Glamour – should we update it to include the new Vampires pack as well? #letsgobig anyone?





An original Sims story.jpg

Hi Simmers!

What do you think of the new layout?

I will be updating everything on the blog with the new layout in the next couple of days – and guess what, it’ll be colour coded! So Traits will be a pinkish red, Stories will be yellow, Edits will be green, etc. Whoop whoop! I’ll also tag the posts by colour as well placing them in the appropriate category.

Oh, have you checked out the competition I am running yet? If you have, have you told your friends?

So with no further ado, here is the new trait:

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Freethinking Sims make great political Sims or activists, and personally I love my (pictured above) Sim Elizabeth Henry. She is a great politician and she’s campaigning for her cause No Sim Left Behind.

Do you have a Sim who is a free-thinker? Tell us about that Sim in the comments below!



An original Sims story.jpg

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Glamorous Sims are highly extroverted, elegant, stylish and love every aspect about the luxe life. You will often find them adorned with pearls, diamonds and surrounded by precious metals – gold, silver, bronze and then black to complement them. They will be the ones with butlers, living in tiny apartments with art deco furniture and have a chef catering for the masses they try to host. Glamorous Sims gain social skills twice as fast as other Sims and love hosting parties of any kind, talking about art and food and how they can jet across the globe and never tire.

Trait:Holiday Spirit


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Sims who hold the holiday spirit trait start counting down to Christmas from the 26th of December.  They are your annoying friend who will frequently remind you there’s 120 days left till Christmas or Easter or Thanksgiving. They love celebrating holidays of any kind and meticulously plan the gifts, the decor, food and their outfits. They have great attention to detail and as such mental & creative skills.

Do you know someone who possesses this trait? Share a laugh in the comments!

Trait:High Maintenance



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High Maintenance Sims require constant attention. They only want the best in life and expect their loved ones to know that too. They are usually snobbish, have a lot of money – or want a lot of money – and frequently buy more clothing or furniture to spruce up their homes. High Maintenance Sims throw the best parties with the best decor and the best food, but don’t you dare criticise them or they will give you the boot!

*The spelling mistake of “inline” should be “in life” – I will update the pic when I have a chance. Rest assured the in-game version has the correct spelling!

Trait:Spring Fling



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Have fun with the spring fling, a Sim for all your wild, romantic dreams you would never think to make a reality.

These Sims are always on the lookout for love, and changes romantic interests as much as the seasons go by. They are spontaneous, love meeting new people and will often go on vacation with a loved one on the drop of a hat.

These Sims love to party, gain social skills faster than other Sims – and grow lonely more often as well.

They need constant action in their lives to stay happy, and they believe that being wildly romantic will get them the happiness they crave.




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Meet the Housewife – she is the devoted, loyal and loving wife of a successful husband and the lovely, kind and caring mother of her children.

The Housewife’s day mostly consists of waking up early, waking hubby up with coffee and waking up the kids with bacon and eggs on pancakes. She then makes sure they are all showered, their teeth brushed and their shirts on the right way round.

She says goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, and then slumps into the nearest chair. Phew, what a morning! She then slacks of in front of the TV, instead of watching Breakfast TV she tunes into a rerun of Martha Stewart that she has probably seen twenty times before, gathering cooking tips and ideas for dinner.

A quick trip to the supermarket before she picks up the children from school, and then she helps them with their homework before starting to prepare dinner.

A kiss goodnight and leaving the door open just a little bit, she smiles as she heads off for another well-deserved rest.